Parthena 750ml
Unleash the full potential of your kitchen with Parthena's 750ml Can of pure Extra Virgin Olive Oil. The perfect blend of style and flavor, this innovative canister will quickly become the centerpiece of your kitchen. Crafted with care, this modern container is made of food-grade stainless steel with a convenient pop-up spout, ensuring the perfect pour every time. The unique design not only looks great on your countertop but also protects the oil's precious flavor and aroma by keeping out harmful light.
Savor the rich and nuanced taste of Parthena's 100% pure and organically grown olive oil. Produced from the Koroneiki olive variety, known for its intense aroma and bold flavor, this oil is the pure and natural juice of the olives, free from chemical refinements or processes. Rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and monounsaturated fats, this oil is not only delicious but also provides numerous health benefits. Elevate your cooking and experience the superior taste and health benefits of this truly premium oil.
My home made Caesar salad has never tasted better.
Highly recommend.
Makes a phenomenal gift for any foodie!
We will never use another EVO again. And for jarred olives they are incredibly fresh tasting.
Never have I had any of these amenities that are of this quality!!!
We’ve recently received our first order of EVOO, Traditional Balsamic and Mountain Oregano. To say we are in love with the quality and depth of flavour is a great understatement. We are so thankful that Parthena is blessing our world with real, healthy products.
It's always wonderful working with everyone at Parthena and we are so grateful to have such a healthful pure and delicous product available to us, thank you!!!